Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

i want to travel to

1. Aku pengen banget traveling sama keluarga aku 
ke Mekah buat naik haji bareng

    2.Abis dari Mekah aku pengen traveling ke paris

 3. Abis dari paris langsung berangkat ke china untuk mengunjungi tembok china :D

4. Abis dari tembok china balik lagi ke eropa dan mengunjungi belanda untuk foto-foto bersama bunga tulip

      OK baru segitu yang aku pingin kunjungin sisanya belum dipikirin lagi semoga impianku tercapai
       and NEVER SAY NEVER !

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

How to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

  • TIPS :
  • Don't be afraid to talk to him. What's the worst that can happen?
  • Remember that patience is a virtue.
  • Be understanding. Listen to what he has to say don't go over him.
  • Compliment him. Guys love this!
  • Don't flirt with his close friends. This will just end up with fights between mates.
  • Never keep hanging on to him when he isn't interested. Men find it annoying when you show up at their house and just won't leave.
  • Learn to take a hint. If the man starts doing something different while you are talking to him, shut up. Wait until he starts talking to you again or quietly help him with what he's doing. Don't try to force his attention to you.
  • Don't put him in a compromising position. Men care about how you feel, even if they are not interested in you romantically. Don't force them to answer a question if they look uncomfortable with it.
  • Be very patient. Men sometimes like more than one girl at a time. (If this is the case then he is not ready for a relationship and should therefore be put in the friend category. Fun to hang around with, but not deserving of the cookies.)
  • Don't appear/be too easy, and yet don't be stuck-up and snobbish. A man doesn't want to think he's never getting any sex, but he also doesn't want to get it that easy. Guys like a challenge.
  • Do not get between him and his friends. A man will always put his mates before you, unfortunately you need to accept this, or his friends might think of a way to get rid of you.
  • Don't say you love him if you don't really mean it, they might become obsessive. Also, don't say those three little words until you reckon he loves you too.
  • Don't cheat. If he loves you and you don't love him, tell him that in a calm and caring manner. People get hurt when a man's ego gets smacked down.
  • Be what he needs. Be sure to have that something he cannot live without, you don't have to be pretty to be precious.
  • Don't put on too much make-up. Xmas trees are not hot. Natural is the best.
  • Don't get an attitude when you see something on T.V. In fact, don't pull an attitude for any dumb reason. Men think you are immature if you have an attitude.
  • Respect him if he respects you. Do not shoot down everything he says if he listens to every word you say. This is pretty much both ways.
  • Don't get mad if he puts down a sports team you like. You will always be more important than sports.
  • Be the jealous girl. Guys Like to know that you care enough to get jealous.
  • Don't make him feel worthless by ranting on and on about your exes. If you say what you dislike in your exes, he might be put off, as most men have the same faults, like leaving the toilet seat up or biting their nails.
  • Don't be annoying and obsessive; if he says he wants to be just friends, accept it, but show that you're not giving up.
  • Give him enough space. Let him hang out with his friends, and once in a while say that you can't come. This will make you find out if he really wants you to be around him or not.
  • Smile at him whenever you are looking at him, this makes him to feel there is someone can share his feelings
  • Hug him with feeling so that he knows there's something there.
  • be his friend before you start to get close to him, cause some guys might not have a very good personality as you thought.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

I want to go there

i want to go there itu yang aku bilang kalo ngeliat eiffel tower di tv or internet
hh pingin banget deh kesana uda gak keitung foto yang aku punya tentang eiffel tower dan dari semua foto yang aku punya aku paling suka sama foto yang ini

betapa eksotisnya ini eiffel tower :*

aku suka semua tentang france dari makanannya,bahasanya ,orang-orangnya kalo di tanya alasan sih alasannya simple aja karena france is  WONDERFUL COUNTRY bahasa perancis banyak orang bilang adalah bahasa cinta dan orang-orang perancis terutama kaum laki-laki otomatis memiliki sifat romantis and i like it :D
saking cintanya aku sama negara perancis aku punya cita cita bekerja sebagai duta besar indonesia untuk perancis #amin :) dan aku jug apingin banget nanti di lamar sama calon suami aku kalau bisa orang perancis dia ngajak aku candle light dinner di bawah menara eiffel sambil bilang WILL YOU MARRY ME hh langsung deh aku melt down disitu juga semoga semua impian itu tercapai hihi

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

my favorite artist is ....

guess what ini foto siapa ??

Dia adalah ...
my BOYFRIEND oops keceplosan deh eh salah deng yang bener ma dia itu
my favorite artist  ... his name is jeng jeng jeng Justin Drew Bieber :*
he is handsome and romance boy
tentunya dia adalah artis yang paling disukai sama anak remaja seusiaku karena kegantengan dan keromantisan dia terhadap wanita aku suka jadi  MELTING boo kalo liat videonya di youtube uka jadi gimana gitu yah pokonya ma sesuatu  bangetlah justin itu .
aku sama temen suka pada ngayal kalo suatu saat kita bisa meet & greet kalo ga ya ngdate lah hihih kayanya asik banget yah kalo dream high itu tercapai.
selain ketampanannya dia juga punya bakat yang ngebuat MELTING para gadis yaitu nyanyi mainin alat musik seperti gitar,piano,drum dan terompet and he looked very handsome when he's playing a musical instrument :)

dan aku mempunyai beberapa  fakta tenteng dirinya  : *cekidot*

Nama Lengkap: Justin Drew Bieber
Lahir di Stratford, Ontario, Kanada 
Saat ini tinggal di Atlanta, Georgia
Birthday: 1 Maret 1994
Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Nama Ibunya adalah Patty Mallette

Nama Ayahnya adalah Jeremy Bieber

Dia memiliki seekor anjing bernama Sammy (Pappillion

Best Friend: Butler Ryan yang muncul dalam Video klip "One Time" bersama Justin Youtube Account: Kidrauhl 

 Makanan Favorit: Spaghetti
Favorite Candy: Sour Patch Kids
Warna Favorite: Biru
Warna Favorite Untuk dipakai : Ungu
artis favorit wanitanya adalah Beyonce

Nomor Favorite: 6
Favorite Pasta gigi: Colgate
Acara favorit: Smallville
Olah raga favoritnya : bola,dan hoki es
Dia mulai belajar nge-drum pada usia 12 tahun
Kata-kata Favorite: "shawty" 
Ukuran sepatu: 7 - 7 1 / 2
Tinggi: 5 '3 1 / 2 "
Dia memiliki IPK 4,0
Dia bersekolah di rumah 
Dia fasih berbahasa Perancis
Sebelum ia mulai bernyanyi, ia ingin menjadi pemain hoki profesional seperti idolanya Wayne Gretskey

Cara ia bermain piano, drum, terompet dan gitar dengan menggunakan tangan kiri
Ketika ia berumur 7 tahun , dia bermain "Petak Umpet" dengan sepupunya. Sepupunya menutup dirinya dalam kotak mainan dan ia terjebak di sana.
Pertama pada usia 13 tahun, di sebuah sekolah dance. Ibunya berkata bahwa ia harus berciuman saat berumur 16 tahun
Moment Paling Memalukan: Dia sedang kencan dengan seorang gadis di sebuah restoran Italia dan ia 
mengenakan kemeja putih. Dia memesan spaghetti dan tumpah di bagian depan kemejanya, Mereka tidak keluar lagi.

and finished itu yang aku tau tentang justin :D 

this is me 'itu foto waktu aku masi smp' gendut dan hitam (= =  o )

pertama kalinya ngurusin yang beginian

hello kenalin my full name is Muthia Khanza Cendikia, my nickname is Khanza asal kalian tau ya ini pertama kalinya aku mau serius ngurusin yang beginian alias ngurusin 'mas Blog' dulu pernah sih sempet punya blog tapi gak keurus dan tujuannyapun sama kaya sekarang yaitu untuk memenuhi tugas dari guru ICT :D